ELVIS PRESLEY - Official The Rockabilly! 6 / Magazines & Books

ELVIS PRESLEYSKU: 2210341390007

Sale price$17.60 USD


Size: A4 variable size
Number of Pages: 144 Pages

Full of people, things, culture, and fashion fascinated by Rockabilly!
The sixth volume of the Rockabilly Special Mook Series!

[Main contents (in no particular order)]
Elvis's Gold Suit
This is America! 50's Cafe & Antiques in Fussa
Rock 'n' roller fascinated by the Super Cub
Nostalgic rockabilly items with a touch of Showa taste
Legend in Japan (Masayoshi Sunagawa / Tetsuya Suganuma)
Gene's Vice Chairman Special Talk: Toru Takeuchi (ex. The Checkers)
Rockabilly event 'Rockin' Rollin', one of the best rockabilly events in the country
Easy 50's hair and makeup 'Victory Rolls'.
Let's make your own original 50's dress!
Visit Your Home 'My Rockabilly Room'
The world's first label dedicated to rockabilly, 'Rollin' Rock Records'.
Selected guitars by rockabilly wrestler Yoshiaki Yago
In Memory of Olivia Newton-John 'Grease'
Tokyo Rockabilly Fashion 2023
and many more!

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